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Success Stories
Executive Coaching & Life Coaching Clients
These personal success stories have been submitted by Power Coaching Clients and/or by the client's Power Coach. In all cases, the clients have given permission for the posting of these testimonial success stories.
PCMK, Power Coaching with Mind-Kinetics & The Brain Walk are trademarks & registered trademarks of CLI.
"Betska, you John, your partnership, your family, your miracle tools and your constant commitment have made a huge difference in my life I am living my dream as a powerful, loving woman, and I thank you from the depths of my heart and soul."
+ Dawn Mickelow, Canadian Ball Room Dance Champion, Vancouver, BC |
"My experience with Power Coaching with Mind-Kinetics was outstanding. Of particular note from the work that I did was the amazing spill over of the growth and self-exploration from the professional world to the personal world. As we know the two are inextricably linked but busy executives try to compartmentalize these worlds to their own detriment."
+ Terry Sewell, Sr. Advisor to Assistant Deputy Minister, INAC, Lands and Trust Services |
January 21, 2009
My name is Danielle Vigil and I am a 32 year old mother of 3, before beginning my coaching leadership program about a year ago my life was crumbling before my eyes, I found myself separated from my husband of 8 years, we lost our beautiful home and I ended up in a 2 bedroom apartment with my children. I also began drinking, going out spending money foolishly and being completely unhappy with my life and job. I was involved with the coaching once a week but really didn't take it serious, until I decided about 4 months ago to really take it serious. I truly found that I enjoyed the coaching and wanted to change my life around and was determined to succeed and meet my goals for myself and for my children. This program really helped me stay grounded and I began working on my personal issues and fought through them to realize that my anger and madness came from my past with my parents and childhood, I then worked on this with my coach and learned to communicate and forgive. My relationship now with myself and family is 100% different and on a loving level which I am so happy for. My next goal was to work on my relationship with my husband so that we could have a civil relationship for our children, my goal was just that as I decided we had moved on and there was no possibility of us being in a relationship. Well I was completely wrong my husband and I are now back together and I can say our relationship has never been so happy and peaceful. I have seen a complete change in my thinking, my children's thinking and my husbands thinking. I have also shared my learning's from my coaching with my husband and we both have learned to communicate with each other on different levels so that we understand one another. I can't thank my boss enough for the gift of the coaching and words can't express to my coach how grateful and thankful I am to have had her in my life as a coach to guide me to the right direction. My life has change tremendously and I recommend life coaching (CLI's PCMK) to everyone. Although I have met my goals I continue with my coaching as a guidance tool to keep me on the right path. I can say with confidence I am a new woman and life coaching has helped make me the person I am today. On behalf of my entire family we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to my coach for all the work and assistance she has put into me and my goals.
+ Danielle Vigil, Fountain Valley, CA |
"Educating the Heart": Testimonials from the Valley Youth Project with regards to "Power Coaching" and "The Brain Walk - a Journey for Peace of Mind". Submitted, with client permission, by Janice Bernhard, CPC, Courtenay BC. + Mykaila Gilchrist, Age 8 "I think Journey for Peace makes kids and/or people feel good because they get to express there feelings. To me it was Great! I really got to get everything I had stuck up in my brain out ...." + Tia MacDonald, Age 23 "When I first attempted a Power Coaching session I struggled, finding it almost as difficult as the problem I was addressing. I found it a bit intimidating and a bit out of my comfort zone. In the past I attended numerous counselling sessions with the result being my problems would soon resurface. I found they would help you find the problem, allow you to express your emotions, and help devise a solution. However, then you were on your own. I got into a cycle where I couldn't help myself. When I no longer had someone else's answers I couldn't find my own. With a little patience and self nurturing along with the loving support of my mentor, Janice Bernhard, I was able to push past my fears and embrace the tremendous results that blossomed from self coaching which is the The Journey for Peace. " + Chelsea Pasanen, Age 12 "My testimonial is that Power Coaching has made a big effect on my life for the following reasons - It made me feel better about myself, and it helped me concentrate more on my school work. Power Coaching has helped me to find my own answers to my own questions which enables me to feel smarter. Power Coaching is a great thing." + Kiesha MacDonald, Age 18 "I have experienced both counselling and Power Coaching and have found that, for myself, Power Coaching is the way to go. While in a counselling session I would find the same challenges always arising. In a Power Coaching session I would find the answers for my challenges inside of me. Finding my answers for myself was so self gratifying that I now have the confidence to overcome anything that life throws my way. "The Brain Walk - A Journey for Peace" is the perfect technique to release every day tensions and find your solutions to all of life's challenges whether they are big or small ... I would recommend Power Coaching for All ..."
"I did the Life/Spiritual Purpose test on your web site - that in itself was priceless. That was key for me - in getting to the root of my anxiety and coming up with a strategy to push through the anxiety. I can't even begin to tell you how enlightening that was, in more ways than one." + Aishah Kasim-Parkinson, British Columbia Testimonials from Julia Nevill, CPC, New Zealand
I made a 6 week commitment to Julia by signing up for 6 sessions of Life Coaching with her. This was the first time I had ever choosen to do Life Coaching and although I considered that I knew a reasonable amount of what a Life Coach did, I was further impressed when I discovered there is alot more to it again. My first session so to speak really felt like being thrown in the deep end, but Julia made me feel very relaxed and had it not been for her caring approach, I would not have ventured as far as I did. It is very important as a client so you can get the full benefit from Life Coaching to be honest and even though at times it is hard to face up to what you possibly do not want to see, to be able to make progress you have to. Julia made this possible for me through what I consider the partnership we developed and her encouraging me to really go on a journey of self discovery. At the end of each session there was the option of 'mentoring' which I was very grateful for - this gave me another perspective and it was greatly valued. The 6 sessions have since finished, but I still continue to do the exercises daily and use the invaluable tools that Julia has shown me on a daily basis also. I can not express how much this has changed my life, I refer to it as the best investment I have ever made in ME ! So a big thank you to Julia, her listening skills, her commitment to our sessions, her mentoring and her caring, have led me to the most wonderful journey of self discovery and back to finding me.
+ Rochelle, New Zealand My work with Julia and PCMK has been fantastic. My whole outlook towards life, relationships, work and just about everything else has completely turned around for the positive. It's incredible. Thanks Julia!!
+ Roger Fisher, Victoria, Canada, January 2006 6th November, 2006 To Whom It May Concern: I went to Julia initially because I wanted direction about my future, in particular, what path I should follow with my career. At the time I was single, with unhealthy relationships with friends and family, and employed in a job that was dissatisfying. It was surprising to me at the time the issues that actually surfaced that needed attention but boy have I had some results!! Approximately 6 months later, I am now living with an amazing, loving partner who values who I am. I have healthy fulfilling relationships with friends, family and work colleagues. And I start an awesome new job in a month, which has huge prospects for my future. I put a lot of this down to the work I did with Julia, and the changes that she helped me facilitate. What made Julia so effective, was her commitment to helping me by providing me with a safe environment to express myself honestly and openly, her ability to listen without judgement, and her strength in forcing me to address issues by refusing to allow me to take the easy way out. I would recommend Julia Nevill and her Power Coaching to anyone who is wanting help in any area of their life – be prepared to put in the work so that you achieve all that you are capable of achieving.
+ Kind Regards, Nicola Keen, Orewa, Auckland, New Zealand Hey Jules Thanks for your update. It's been well over a year since we did our coaching together, and I have had such an amazing, awakening and somewhat emotional journey to here! I look back at what we worked on and I remember thinking at the time how that great stuff didn't exist and it wouldn't happen to me. I realise now how I had become happy enough to settle for average and not believe in what I truly deserved. Well that certainly changed, and I have to say working with you was the catalyst to sending me on a new search and it was all about trusting, believing and having faith in myself and the universe, so THANKYOU Jules!!!!!!!
+ Jane, Auckland I undertook seven Power Coaching sessions with Julia Nevill from mid September 2007 to November 2007. During that time I also did The Brain Walk daily and other self coaching sessions as recommended. I found The Brain Walk challenging as I kept getting values that were not straight forward. These did however teach me that there is always another way to look at things. This also came though into most of the actual Power Coaching sessions. The Power Coaching does not give you any easy answers, and life does not suddenly become easy. It does however teach you to question why you do things and lets you know that there are always alternatives to how you interpret and react to events. I learnt that something that is seen as a negative can also always be seen in a positive light. At the end of the day you have to choose how you will view things, and how you will react. It did however make me calmer in all situations and feel better prepared to deal with the tough stuff.
+ Suzanne, New Zealand |
Testimonials offered from Janice Bernhard's clients.
I had been extremely overwhelmed about going back to college to retrain in a new career path. I had previous positive experience with my Power Coach and I have learned that to any problem there is a solution. Power Coaching has given me the ability to buld a beleif system within myself that enables me to have the courage to face my fears and overcome them. A Power Coach will work with you to help find the tools you need to be able to retrieve the knowledge and wisdom within yourself to achieve your own personal goals. Some of the goals I have ahcieved with Power Coaching were no longer fearing exams, achieving higher grades, having more confidence and changing careers comfortably."
+ Karen Hope – Home Care Worker My Power Coaching sessions have been the most incredibly positive experiences I have had. Some of the challenges that I have faced and worked through are Fear of Dentists; Fear of Numbers and I have put many of my Personal demons to rest. I highly recommend Power Coaching and will continue to do so.
+ Karen Hope – Home Care Worker Power Coaching has not only given me a new way to think, react and believe, but anytime whatsoever that I feel slightly out of sorts, I do my “Brain Walk” Journey for Peace and it brings me back to balance. I feel that no matter what comes into my path, I can feel comfortable that I can handle it better than I used to and that my awareness levels are much more astute. With calmness and more focus I increased my Sales for last year by 1/3.
+ Judy Jansen – Owner, J.Jansen Designs (Designer of Fine Jewelry) Through Power Coaching session, Janice was able to quickly determine where my own thoughts were blocking my personal growth. These blocks were easily removed with Power Coaching tools and my life is much more positive today. Janice also taught me to use, on a daily basis, a tool called “The Brain Walk”. I am often amazed that fifteen minutes spent in the morning with the “Brain Walk” can clear up confusion which may have effected my whole day/week/month or year.
+ Iris O. Hi, I'm a 42 year old female. I'm a client of Janice Bernhard, Power Coach. I had 2 sessions with Janice. I have never had a session of therapy, counseling or anything else that worked as fast or honest as the 2 sessions I had. It brought forward things that I didn't know were baggage in my life. After the sessions I felt such a weight lifted from my body. (Actually, I lost 51 lbs. shortly after these sessions and I am still losing). The Power Coaching sessions are so enlightening and a great release of negative energy. The negative is soon filled up with positive. The sessions are not full of blame or psycho babble. It is amazing how fast your mouth lets go of the negative feelings in your body. There are only a few questions that you are asked. The thing that amazed me was that I came up with the answers. So the answers will work for you, because they are your answers. There isn't a wrong or right answer. These sessions don't label you or give you a medical name. They allow your inner thoughts to come out, then you deal with them and move on within minutes. Janice, as a Power Coach is here calling in life. She has such a gentle and non-intrusive way of helping others. She is honest and such a positive person. Her guidance is so gentle. Her love of people is so deep and honest that you can't help but walk away from a session with a smile on your face.
+ Loni L. I found the Power Coaching I received from Jan Bernhard very uplifting. I also found it opened doors I never stopped to think about. It gave me a new perspective on many facets of my life, of which I am very grateful. Keep up the good work your kindness is a blessing
+ Cindy Shaw – Employee and Mother. I had a Power Coaching session with Jan I enjoyed it very much. I've been to counselors and such but I enjoyed this much better. I was able to get to the root of the problem. Not just talk about it but to break it down to find the real problem and make a Plan to change it. I have been following that Plan I have done much better with my goal. I will find greater results in the long term but I can see it changing already. If I continue to follow the plan I will and can do what I was hoping. I like Power Coaching approach a lot better than regular mental health counseling. I would like it if I could continue my sessions to help with other goals and problems. I felt very comfortable with Jan during the hour. Thank you very much, Jan.
+ Bobbi-Ann - Student Isn't it funny that we spend all our working years eager to retire and when it comes to our mates or ourselves are unable to do all these dreams we had stored away. With this come losing our sense of self and our goals. Then we realize what else is there but dreams and goals and quite often loneliness and depression set in. With Power Coaching it doesn't have the stigma that psychiatrist or psychologist did or does. With this option it makes a person feel unique and part of the human race. It ignites a spark to focus on the things that we can do and not the things we can't.
+ 75 years of age and still going strong. Coro Hass 1. Power Coach and turn your life around. 2. It really works and you leave your baggage behind. 3. Power Coach and be glad you did. What a wonderful experience that I wished I'd done sooner. 4. Take yourself to another level and be more positive.
+ Lance Jansen – Retiree - Grandfather. To whom it may concern; This is my testimonial on how I felt about my power coaching experience. After my first session I was flooded with a lot of emotions and I kept crying, this was OK, as I know you have to feel it to heal it. I feel that the exercise books (Kits) are very helpful, as you work through your value cards you also come up with answers to the problems that you have to face. I also found that as you ask yourself the questions, you also have to come up with a solution. You end up starting your day with a positive outcome instead of a negative thought. I enjoy the Brain Walk also, as I have been meditating for many years and the visuals come easily to me. It allows you to find answer to difficult situations, and give you the courage to face them. My Power Coaching sessions with Janice Bernhard are a very comfortable which allows you the courage to face yourself and your problems honestly. Janice is a wonderful mentor, and I look forward to working with her in the future.
+ Sincerely, Sheila Jacobsen | "Joe was an engineer and due to hard times had been out of a job for 8 years. His lack of self-confidence prevented him from finding a job. His wife Jane, ill for many years, was unable to work. They were forced to go on social assistance. Their teenage daughter Sarah, due to a lack of love, was failing miserably at school. She had no friends. When she entered The CLI Coaching Room, she looked as if she had worn the same clothes for two weeks, her body odour was strong and her once blonde hair was greasy and dirty. During the PCMK process, Sarah told Betska she believed her Mommy and Daddy didn't love her - that they hated her. When Betska asked Jane if this was true, she admitted that she didn't love her child. All members of the family had worked individually and as groups with social workers and counselors for many years. Jane was desperate as there appeared to be little change.
Joe came for half a dozen Power Coaching sessions, raised his self-confidence, got rid of his fears and within 6 weeks found a job with an international company. No longer on social assistance Joe began to smile feeling proud that he was now able to feed his family. Jane, after several sessions also found work. Her health dramatically improved. And Sarah, after just a few sessions began to appear in The Coaching Room with shiny hair and a bright smile. Suicide was no longer on her mind. Jane was thrilled because Sarah's room was now tidy and her marks at school were improving. Perhaps the most touching part of this story is that Jane and Joe could actually hug their daughter now. They accepted her and began to love her for the beautiful spirit that she is." |
"My girlfriend, Loni, who would like to write a book on PCMK has had transformations with her Migraine Headaches of which she had almost weekly and for days at a time. She hasn't had any more since we had one, and only one Session." |
"One of my Clients has also had great transformations. Dentistry is not an issue for her anymore. The dentist used to give her 7 needles minimum to ready her for dental work and the last time she had dental work done she only needed 2 needles! Her Dentist was in awe. Power Coaching with Mind-Kinetics has taken away her fears." |
"My Client lost 75 pounds after just one Power Coaching session! She is thrilled." |
"One of my teenage Clients was hooked on crystal meth. A few PCMK sessions later she is clean. The sessions probably saved her life." |
"Thank you for helping my daughter. At the age of 10 she was still bed wetting. In just one session, you were able to find the root cause of her bedwetting. She no longer has the problem. And she tells me that she now feels like a princess!" |
"My father and I have not spoken for years. I found him abusive. As I Power Coached I realized that the parts of him that I didn't like were reflected in me! Of course, I wasn't pleased at seeing 'the mirror"; however, this knowledge helped me to understand him better. Indeed, we are now speaking and I can truly say that I love my Dad." |
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