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Power Coaching® With Mind-Kinetics®
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Student Testimonial - CLI Mind-Kinetics Coach Training
CLI Mind-Kinetics® Coaching for Positive Thinking
Interview - Betska K-Burr: Executive and Life Coach
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Power Coaching® With Mind-Kinetics®

"You want me to do What?!"

The "Power" in "Power Coaching with Mind-Kinetics" (PCMK™) refers to our internal power.

According to Webster, "kinetics" means "movement a branch of science that deals with changes in a physical or chemical system. The mechanism by which a physical or chemical change is effected."

As children, fascinated with potential and kinetic energies, many of us wondered "How do we effectively take the enormous potential of a human being and put it into motion (kinetics)?"

CLI's PCMK™ tools turn our thoughts into positive action (kinetics).

Years of CLI research and development have yielded the secret to permanently changing behaviours to maximize results for individuals and whole corporations alike. We now understand how to assist our Clients in literally putting their minds into "motion".

The secret, the magic, is called The Science of Mind-Kinetics®. It's a true self-discovery journey.

Most people in the world still rely on their left logic brain to guide their lives. The wise ones learn how to use both their left and right hemispheres because it makes life so much easier. For some individuals, tapping into their right brain is foreign. It is almost like learning how to ride a bike all over again! Therefore, "You want me to do What?" refers to the fact that for some folks a bit of determination and commitment might be necessary in order to master bilateral thinking.

The effort is worth it! You have to experience it to believe it.

In this Keynote, Betska presents:

  1. Mastery begins by knowing (as per Pert and other scientists) that habits and behaviours will only change with a physiological shift in the brain.

  2. 8 reasons why PCMK permanently changes behaviour.

  3. What is bilateral thinking and how it can bring us great success personally and professionally.

  4. What is a 'concrete base' and why it is important to remove our largest mental block in life.

  5. How we can train our brain to think more positively every day thereby manifesting our dreams and goals.

  6. A demonstration of a PCMK tool as it retrains the brain to create more genius thinkers. It is easy and fun!

"As usual, your program was an overwhelming success and here are some sample comments:
excellent and very interactive,
speakers did a great job of soliciting participation and feedback,
very very beneficial; something I will use, and
this is a very good topic and an excellent program."

- Gary Callaghan for Donna Wood, Conference Chair - DPI Association of Public Sector Information Professionals.

Email Betska or call +1 (250) 924-4545

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