Corporate Programs
Career Transition
A Wholistic Process for Career Transition
Employ the most comprehensive career transition tool available.
Clients discover their strengths and passions to move forward with purposeful direction.
Key Success Factors of this Program: One key success factor of this program is that participants discover their life purpose. Suddenly, they feel as if their life has more meaning. The second key success factor is that this program is truly whole-istic. The participants study their behaviour in the workplace, discover their happiness in all seven areas of their life and study their skills from different angles. Lastly, they wipe away the emotions and fears that are stopping them from manifesting the career of their dreams.
In this program, executives and employees looking for a career change as well as HR Professionals will profit from what appears to be the most complete career transition program on the market. The modules covered are:
- Determining one's Life/Spiritual Purpose: Incredible freedom comes when we know what our key contribution is to the planet. Life becomes meaningful.
- Creation of a Portfolio which includes a Cover Letter, Resume, Skills and Knowledge Learned.
- Emotional Response: Using Power Coaching with Mind-Kinetics® tools participants identify the deepest emotions around career transition and turn unconstructive thoughts, words and actions into positive ones.
- Life Review: Participants identify all the obstacles they have overcome in all 7 areas of their life.
- Summary and Final Clarity: Participants identify the conscious and unconscious fears and eliminate them while pulling the whole process together to create a final product of the Portfolio.
This program includes most of the steps in
'Typical Approach' which you will find on the sidebar. The steps include personal one-on-one Power Coaching
® and additional tele/web classes on specific areas of interest such as 'how to find the right target prospective employer'.
At the end of the entire program, participants feel refreshed, more in alignment with their Life/Spiritual Purpose and walk away with a complete Portfolio.
We have included bits and pieces of this program on this website under the button Free Self Coaching. Click on
Career Transition to study some of this valuable process.