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The Brain Walk®

How does it work?

Einstein was a Master at Image Streaming, a process that is similar to what you are about to experience. He would literally "turn off" his left brain and "turn on" his right brain to focus on a question he had about life. This focus CLI calls "intent". He would wait for images or words to come to mind knowing that ideas would come to him. Once he received those ideas he would decode them. And voila! Out came the inventions of concepts like the Theory of Relativity.

  1. The Brain Walk uses the image-word streaming process to create results. The left brain literally shuts off and the right brain turns on to receive solutions to a problem or challenge in the form of images, etc. During the decoding portion, the left brain turns on again.

  2. The colours are specifically chosen to stimulate the opening of the receptors in the brain. The emotional charge that caused the receptor to close in the first place is released. The thinking cells get fed and the brain begins to release inspirational ideas.

  3. The client is quite focused on the issue. The brain therefore is focused on solutions.

  4. Using the paper version of The Brain Walk, the movement around the map massages the brain to free up ideas.

  5. The Brain Walk retrains the brain to switch more easily between left and right brain, eventually creating a more bilateral thinker of the user.

  6. The paper version of The Brain Walk uses the pericardium acupuncture point located at the tip of the middle digit. This automatically connects us with the part of our brain that guides our vision, direction and planning.

You will be conducting The Brain Walk on-line.

CLICK HERE to order a paper version of this remarkable tool !

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