Why is Executive Coaching Important?
During the last decade of major industry transformation across the world with social media and other technologies like Cloud disrupting traditional boundaries, coaching for executives has become a key differentiator for organizations. Do you know that 44% of US Executives feel it is likely that an employee or former employee will sue them?
CLI’s Certified Executive Power Coach® Program is entirely focused on leadership skills. A CEPC Coach works with the leader on identifying their current leadership skills and strengths, works through solutions for areas not yet core strength, and helps the client set and achieve objectives in both self-leadership and leadership of others.
Recent indepth conversations with our Executive Clients revealed something very disturbing. Most of them have at least one of what we may call a complex situation such as in-fighting, negativity, judgement, blame and varying levels of mental/emotional instability. While not all Coaches are trained in remedial work, CLI’s Senior Mind-Kinetics® Coaches have the ability to bring peace and calm back into your organization. Don’t delay.
Betska, The Guru Coach™
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