Tag Archives: Personal Development
Universal Law #12: “The Law of Priority” – Who Comes First?
The Law of Priority says, “I must save myself first before I can save another.”
Those of you who frequently travel by air would recall the wise counsel given by the smart flight attendant. In case of emergency, first put the oxygen mask on yourself before you help a child or elderly person sitting next to you.
Similarly, to inspire our clients, children, employees, friends and leaders with Peace and Hope, we must feel Peaceful and Hopeful inside of ourselves first. The law of Priority says so!
Just as a rainbow in the sky fills us with peace and joy, we can also be a guiding light for others as we connect with our own brilliance for superior personal development.
What can you do today to put yourself first?
How can you be a guiding light for someone today?
Betska, The Guru Coach™
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Coaching and Leadership International Inc.
Universal Law #9: “The Law of Love” – The Key to Human Happiness
This Universal Law is not widely understood. “Major transformation in my life can only come when I truly internalize (learn) the cause of a life challenge including emotions and then eliminate it by bringing ‘love’ to the issue.”
Example, ‘Fred’ had a tough time speaking in public. Through the PCMK™ coaching and mentoring process he learned that the reason he had trouble speaking in public was because he was afraid people would laugh at him. He was afraid that people wouldn’t understand his ideas and therefore he would be embarrassed. Having identified his ‘learning’, we developed brand new positive belief systems which he anchored in his subconscious mind using one of the 40 methods which bring ‘love’ by replacing the
negative with a positive.
His new belief? “I, Fred, now speak in public with great ease and confidence because the listeners receive my ideas with excitement and deep understanding.”
Fred would have forever been afraid of speaking in public if he had not completed the ‘learning’ and shifted his subconscious beliefs.
Betska, The Guru Coach™
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Coaching and Leadership International Inc.