Tag Archives: Life Coaching Certification
The CLI Value of ‘Service’ – The Power of Selfless Service
What do you think is the meaning of Selfless Service to a parent, soldier or CEO of an organization?
To a Parent would be to let his/her children grow up in a loving and caring environment that enables them to become responsible citizens of the society.
Service to a Soldier would be to protect the honour of his country while guarding borders or when serving overseas under the United Nations. In fact Service connotes the ultimate sacrifice in Serving of the Flag of the Nation.
Service to a Business Head/CEO would be to serve internal and external stakeholders with compassion and humility. Please check out the story of Shivinder Singh, Co-founder of Fortis Healthcare. “I am inspired to do more direct Service and give back to society a little of what I have received in abundance.”
CLI’s Life Coaching Program focuses on “Selfless Service.” Leaders from all walks of life and positions come to learn that serving self first is ultimate. A Leader who studies self (deepest beliefs, values, fears, emotions, goals, obstacles etc.) acquires a higher IQ and EQ and therefore can better serve others.
Betska, The Guru Coach™
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Coaching and Leadership International Inc.
Universal Law #13: “The Law of Forgiveness” – Key to a More Compassionate and Loving Life
What a beautiful thing it would be if we could forgive ourselves and others for the burdens of perceived wrongs, guilt, judgment, shame, slights, humiliation or sense of depriving what we thought was lawfully ours?
Imagine how light our soul would be!
“Forgive Ourselves: To be able to receive love from others.
“Forgive Others: To be able to give more love to them.”
With forgiveness, we tell others that we no longer hold ourselves or them guilty. We pardon, absolve, condone, and overlook everything that is stopping us from loving our self and others more. We, in effect, join hands with the culprit or the tormentor in a journey of Self-Transformation. We become our own life coach.
All great Teachers invite us to be generous in forgiving ourselves first for the ‘sins’ or ‘mistakes’ made. To err is human and to forgive is divine. It is only by forgiving each other for the vagaries of wars that nations will, one day, no longer go to war.
Betska, The Guru Coach™
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Coaching and Leadership International Inc.
Universal Law #10: “Laws of Giving” – How Sharing Expands our Hearts
“As you give love, you receive that love back again. As you give, you gain in understanding.”
Have you observed how truly happy people always give love unconditionally? Mother Teresa devoted her entire life to giving empathy, compassion and care for thousands of needy around the world. I was moved to tears to see pictures of her lifting up the sick and wounded into her arms from the streets of India. Such a beautiful shining example of the Law of Giving.
Imagine yourself as a Leader, Executive Coach, Parent or team member inviting your colleagues and family members to more freely “share” with each other. Maybe your garden is overflowing with cucumbers. Or maybe your Cook in India made too many chapatis for lunch. These can also be shared with the poor and sick.
As a Leader you could invite your colleagues to ‘share’ how they demonstrate compassion, respect and acceptance.
Our greatest teachers for this law are the animals who ‘give’ their love unconditionally. It expands our hearts to share.
Betska, The Guru Coach™
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Coaching and Leadership International Inc.
Universal Law #9: “The Law of Love” – The Key to Human Happiness
This Universal Law is not widely understood. “Major transformation in my life can only come when I truly internalize (learn) the cause of a life challenge including emotions and then eliminate it by bringing ‘love’ to the issue.”
Example, ‘Fred’ had a tough time speaking in public. Through the PCMK™ coaching and mentoring process he learned that the reason he had trouble speaking in public was because he was afraid people would laugh at him. He was afraid that people wouldn’t understand his ideas and therefore he would be embarrassed. Having identified his ‘learning’, we developed brand new positive belief systems which he anchored in his subconscious mind using one of the 40 methods which bring ‘love’ by replacing the
negative with a positive.
His new belief? “I, Fred, now speak in public with great ease and confidence because the listeners receive my ideas with excitement and deep understanding.”
Fred would have forever been afraid of speaking in public if he had not completed the ‘learning’ and shifted his subconscious beliefs.
Betska, The Guru Coach™
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Coaching and Leadership International Inc.
Universal Law #5: The Law of Belief – “All things are created by the mind”
How do world record holders in athletics, swimming or even mountain climbers reach the pinnacle of glory? Simply, by believing in themselves.
This law first says, “What I think, I become.” In other words, you will manifest what you believe. If you have a fear, you will attract that fear. Yikes! But don’t worry, you can stop the fear dead in its tracks.
95-99% of our behaviours are operated by our subconscious mind. If they are subconscious then we don’t know about them, right? So what negative beliefs are lurking in your subconscious mind making your life miserable or not so great? And what positive beliefs are buried there that you are not maximizing?
Start today!
Dig deep and find these negative beliefs and kick them out – forever! Believe that you CAN be the architect of a new and better future. Start with brain games like The Brain Walk. Or, talk to me.
Jessica Sedlock, North America’s Biathlon Champion 2008/2009 improved her 10 km running time by over five minutes in just one year through the brilliance of CLI’s deeply researched positive thinking life coaching methodologies.
Betska, The Guru Coach™
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Universal Law #4: The Law of Choice – “We have the Power to Choose”
This law says, “If I wish to change my life, I must change my choices”.
Sally hates her boss. Fred can’t see his shoes because his beer belly is too big. Martha still eats meat which is making her sick. Cam can’t seem to meditate every well.
Why do we let these things happen? It’s because we forget this law. We forget that we, and we alone, can take control of our own lives by making the right choices. Each of us can CHOOSE to do what is good for us. By virtue of having a choice, we become 100% responsible for our lives.
Personal development programs give us the tools to make choices on how we live, dress, eat, choose one’s faith and develop relationships or bonds.
To be happier, healthier and in harmony with our mind, body and spirit, we must make the right choices for ourselves.
In the wise words of Mark Twain, “You’re never wrong to do the right thing.”
Betska, The Guru Coach™
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Coaching and Leadership International Inc.