Tag Archives: Executive Coaching Certification
Why is Executive Coaching Important?
During the last decade of major industry transformation across the world with social media and other technologies like Cloud disrupting traditional boundaries, coaching for executives has become a key differentiator for organizations. Do you know that 44% of US Executives feel it is likely that an employee or former employee will sue them?
CLI’s Certified Executive Power Coach® Program is entirely focused on leadership skills. A CEPC Coach works with the leader on identifying their current leadership skills and strengths, works through solutions for areas not yet core strength, and helps the client set and achieve objectives in both self-leadership and leadership of others.
Recent indepth conversations with our Executive Clients revealed something very disturbing. Most of them have at least one of what we may call a complex situation such as in-fighting, negativity, judgement, blame and varying levels of mental/emotional instability. While not all Coaches are trained in remedial work, CLI’s Senior Mind-Kinetics® Coaches have the ability to bring peace and calm back into your organization. Don’t delay.
Betska, The Guru Coach™
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Coaching and Leadership International Inc.
Health and Wellness Coaching – Why an Individual May Seek a Coach?
Health and wellness management is vital for every individual. There are many different sub-types of Health and Wellness Coaches, and in most cases, many work as part of an overall Wellness Team with their clients.
The organization you work in will also have its Health and Wellness resources, earmarked areas, nominated platforms and a Wellness officer to ensure employee health has full benefits and medical insurance catered. In this team environment, the Coach often focuses on identifying the future-focused goals of the individual or even for groups and supports them in leading their own wellness teams.
As professionals trained in CLI’s time-tested Life Coaching Certification Program you as Coaches, Parents, Children and Leaders would build a web of understanding and awareness that helps to see the connections between our food choices, our individual and cultural health, our attitudes and beliefs and the quality of our relationships.
CLI Senior Coaches can help Clients find the root cause of a dis-ease or disease or illness in less than 5 seconds. How could this possibly be? Very simple. The subconscious mind records everything. CLI has developed methodologies to tap into our memory banks to discover root causes and then shift our belief systems so that healing may begin.
Betska, The Guru Coach™
Sign up for CLI QuickTip™ and Blog Updates at:
Coaching and Leadership International Inc.
Fun at Work – Why is this important?
Hmm… we spend most of our days in our respective offices. It makes sense then to put effort into making our time spent in the office and work environment enjoyable. Look up the best companies and “Google“ will surely figure in the top five. Why is working so much fun there?
A “fun atmosphere” provides employees a release valve, allows them an in-house platform to express themselves and facilitates their personality to flower. It enables employees to better deal with stressful situations and challenges with greater optimism and energy. Fun does not mean work is not taken seriously but by putting in place firm norms and right balance, work places can be more fun than homes.
Celebrating Birthdays,Employee Appreciation Days and having Fundoo Fridays or fun with on the spot games and quizzes can really liven up the atmosphere. However, the choice of humour in the office must not be offensive or gender targeted but plain old fun. In Betska K-Burr’s book, Creating Champions, you will find dozens of ways to bring more fun, humour and lightness to the workplace.
Betska, The Guru Coach™
Sign up for CLI QuickTip™ and Blog Updates at:
Coaching and Leadership International Inc.
The CLI Value of ‘Service’ – The Power of Selfless Service
What do you think is the meaning of Selfless Service to a parent, soldier or CEO of an organization?
To a Parent would be to let his/her children grow up in a loving and caring environment that enables them to become responsible citizens of the society.
Service to a Soldier would be to protect the honour of his country while guarding borders or when serving overseas under the United Nations. In fact Service connotes the ultimate sacrifice in Serving of the Flag of the Nation.
Service to a Business Head/CEO would be to serve internal and external stakeholders with compassion and humility. Please check out the story of Shivinder Singh, Co-founder of Fortis Healthcare. “I am inspired to do more direct Service and give back to society a little of what I have received in abundance.”
CLI’s Life Coaching Program focuses on “Selfless Service.” Leaders from all walks of life and positions come to learn that serving self first is ultimate. A Leader who studies self (deepest beliefs, values, fears, emotions, goals, obstacles etc.) acquires a higher IQ and EQ and therefore can better serve others.
Betska, The Guru Coach™
Sign up for CLI QuickTip™ and Blog Updates at:
Coaching and Leadership International Inc.
The CLI Value of ‘Service’ – What is Service All about?
CLI Power Coaches and their clients use a deck of CLI Values Cards. Each of these 76 cards has a different ‘Value’ printed on it such as “respect”, “honesty” and “acceptance” and each has a different frequency. Interesting isn’t it? One of the most wonderful CLI Values cards that you can draw out as you begin your day is “Service”. What does it connote to you?
To an Executive or Life Coach, Service is All about the Client – how best to serve his/her client to achieve their desired outcomes.
To a CEO or Senior Manager, Service is All about the Employee – how to best serve their employees so that they can stretch and grow and be inspired to do their best work for the end-user customer.
To a Church or Temple Leader, Service is All about the Parishioners – how to help them open their hearts to truly believe in themselves and in each other in order to create a better world for future generations.
Betska, The Guru Coach™
Sign up for CLI QuickTip™ and Blog Updates at:
Coaching and Leadership International Inc.
Universal Law #12: “The Law of Priority” – Who Comes First?
The Law of Priority says, “I must save myself first before I can save another.”
Those of you who frequently travel by air would recall the wise counsel given by the smart flight attendant. In case of emergency, first put the oxygen mask on yourself before you help a child or elderly person sitting next to you.
Similarly, to inspire our clients, children, employees, friends and leaders with Peace and Hope, we must feel Peaceful and Hopeful inside of ourselves first. The law of Priority says so!
Just as a rainbow in the sky fills us with peace and joy, we can also be a guiding light for others as we connect with our own brilliance for superior personal development.
What can you do today to put yourself first?
How can you be a guiding light for someone today?
Betska, The Guru Coach™
Sign up for CLI QuickTip™ and Blog Updates at:
Coaching and Leadership International Inc.