Category Archives: blog-post
Discovering our Inner Diamonds and allowing them to Shine!
“Diamonds are Forever” but what about the Diamond in each of us?
CLI’s Diamond Concept shows us that each issue in our life is like a Diamond with many facets. For example with the Diamond Concept a client may be looking at many facets of Anger in his life and may wish to work on becoming a better communicator in these different facets of his life.
What does this actually convey? One triangle facet – He has difficulty telling his wife he loves her. Second triangle facet – He wishes his wife would hug him. Third triangle facet – His boss is really bugging him. He wishes he had the courage to tell him the truth about how he is feeling. Fourth triangle facet – He is not communicating well with himself these days; he wishes he could pay more attention to his intuition and act on it.
In other words, there are many “facets” to an issue and we simply need to self coach or take the help of CLI Power Coaches until those facets are well polished wherein we feel peaceful about the issue and have solutions. As part of CLI’s Leadership Development Course we learn that each of us has “frustas” or frustrations (all the fears, feelings, distorted thinking, irrational thoughts and so on that are blocking us from moving forward). When we eliminate the frustras in each diamond of our life, we polish the diamond and come closer to having a happy life. Making our life shine again like a beautifully polished diamond is a marvellous gift to give ourselves.
Betska, The Guru Coach™
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Coaching and Leadership International Inc.
Clients Want Everything Yesterday – How to Deliver?
We live in a results-oriented society. Our clients, like our Managers, want everything yesterday! PCMK™ (Power Coaching® with Mind Kinetics®) is considered an accelerated personal empowerment process because PCMK advocates the flow of energy from point to point along the fastest healing route.
Firstly, in ten minutes or less, using a sophisticated grounding or whole brain process, CLI Power Coaches help their clients find the Real Issue or Real Goal they wish to work on for a given session. Secondly, coaching results are faster since both executive and life coaching clients learn how to self-coach daily between coaching sessions with their Power Coach. The third reason is that the Science of Mind-Kinetics helps the client explore their issue/goal using pentalateral thinking: left brain, right brain, and conscious, subconscious, and super conscious minds and at the end of every session the client walks away with a committed action plan using whole brain thinking! The results are astonishing! Thus, the client will have shifted permanently at a cellular level without worrying about using willpower to make things happen. Willpower coaching has become outdated because it rarely results in permanent positive change for the client.
Betska, The Guru Coach™
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Coaching and Leadership International Inc.
Health and Wellness Coaching – Why an Individual May Seek a Coach?
Health and wellness management is vital for every individual. There are many different sub-types of Health and Wellness Coaches, and in most cases, many work as part of an overall Wellness Team with their clients.
The organization you work in will also have its Health and Wellness resources, earmarked areas, nominated platforms and a Wellness officer to ensure employee health has full benefits and medical insurance catered. In this team environment, the Coach often focuses on identifying the future-focused goals of the individual or even for groups and supports them in leading their own wellness teams.
As professionals trained in CLI’s time-tested Life Coaching Certification Program you as Coaches, Parents, Children and Leaders would build a web of understanding and awareness that helps to see the connections between our food choices, our individual and cultural health, our attitudes and beliefs and the quality of our relationships.
CLI Senior Coaches can help Clients find the root cause of a dis-ease or disease or illness in less than 5 seconds. How could this possibly be? Very simple. The subconscious mind records everything. CLI has developed methodologies to tap into our memory banks to discover root causes and then shift our belief systems so that healing may begin.
Betska, The Guru Coach™
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Coaching and Leadership International Inc.
Decoding Minds of Boys and Girls
As a woman you may have wondered why a man won’t stop and ask for directions while, as a boy, you may have marveled why girls generally have an easier time remembering. Wish to decode the anatomy behind it? Join the Life Coaching Training Program of CLI.
The size of almost every lobe of the human brain is different in males and females. The hippocampus which is crucial to memory storage and the corpus callosum which connects the right and left hemispheres is larger in girls than boys. Females can switch more more easily for bilateral thinking by using both IQ (left hemi) and EQ (right hemi) enabling them to better multitask.
Boys’ brains are structured to compartmentalize learning resulting in better clarity and focus in certain situations. Girls tend to use areas of their brain devoted to EQ activities such as verbal and emotional functioning and nurturing while boys use the areas responsible for IQ activities such as mechanical tasks.
Does it really matter? Yes! It matters when it comes to teamwork at the office and happy households. When we respect how each other is wired and support each other with our individual strengths in the achievement of personal and professional goals, we can help solve some of our global and family issues.
Betska, The Guru Coach™
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Coaching and Leadership International Inc.
The CLI Value of ‘Faith’ – Faith Can Move Mountains
Faith is a matter of individual choice. So many feelings get evoked by this one CLI Value in our lives namely, trust, belief, tenets, reliance, religion, doctrine, confidence and dependence. Wow! Let’s simply pick up what Faith CAN DO to our daily life.
From a non-spiritual perspective, having ‘Faith’ means we have made a pledge to ourselves, to believe in ourselves against all odds and in spite of any obstacles, not to be swayed by temptations, easy money or favours. We can move mountains with our faith, courage, and compassion.
In a spiritual context, there is an old saying, “It is not our ‘faith’ in God that moves mountains but our faith in the greatness of God.” Until we are fully enlightened, we often need the hand of a self-realized Teacher who can show us HOW to find that Faith in ourselves. Their work is precious beyond measure.
Leaders who come to CLI’s Executive Coach Certification to learn coaching and mentoring skills in order to better engage their employees, discover (interestingly enough) that before they can be great role models for their employees they must first find their own Faith in themselves.
Betska, The Guru Coach™
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Coaching and Leadership International Inc.
The CLI Value of ‘Respect’ – Earning Respect in Workplace
How many of us meet the typical Bosses daily in our workplace who have big egos? They show little respect to you, your ideas or your contributions and feel that they are always right. Sound familiar?
Such Bosses, you can be rest assured, may also be like that in their homes as well. You can be also sure that such Bosses will invariably have an extremely high IQ but the EQ or Emotional Quotient would be very low.
Through PCMK™ Methodologies mastered during Business Coaching Certification you learn to identify this key missing value of ‘Respect’ for self and ‘Respect’ for others.
As an Executive Coach, I discovered something quite interesting. An Executive Coaching Client may appear to be obnoxious, arrogant and even forceful. However, once we get down to him/her deeply understanding self, that domineering behaviour is usually a cover-up for a massive lack of self-confidence.
A fat ego is the #1 killer of leaders today. It causes so much pain in the world. A Leader who is both task oriented and people oriented is a Gem. Do you know of one? Show ‘Respect’ to them today by thanking them.
Betska, The Guru Coach™
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Coaching and Leadership International Inc.