Are you a Victim or Leader?
Victims and Leaders look at life differently. Although everyone is doing the best they can, sometimes people do not realize that they have a choice to be either a victim or a leader. Executive Business Coach Training teaches us that we can remain bruised all our lives, stay in victim mode or heal and become the leading humble stars of tomorrow.
For example, CLI’s “Learning Concept” invites leaders to abandon the notion that we have “problem employees” or “problem managers”. Instead, we engage The Law of Attraction knowing that we attracted the “problem” in order to learn something.
Therefore, while a “problem” situation exists, we refrain from saying that people are a “problem”. The question then becomes, “Hmmm. What is everyone learning here?” The Manager might be learning how to ‘respect’ their people more. The Employee might be learning how to have more faith in their Manager.
If we want a harmonious workplace, there is no room for blame or judgement. Only “learning”.
PS Same goes for the home-front!
Betska, The Guru Coach™
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